Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Run As One for FCAHT

Florida Coalition Against Human Trafficking is teaming up with the World Run Day event on November 8, 2009 to raise money for their organization. Donations will help pay for services for victims and for increasing awareness of human trafficking issues through training and education.

This annual event asks runners worldwide to run any distance (1 mile, 5K, 10K, Marathon, etc.) and make a charity donation directly to their favorite charity. This year make your charity donation to FCAHT and support the effort to end sex and labor trafficking. Human trafficking involves the coercion or force of people-mainly women and children-into sex and labor exploitation & slavery. This horrific crime exploits the most vulnerable individuals in our society. FCAHT works tirelessly to increase awareness of this crime and provide community training, outreach and most importantly, critical services to victims. Your donation helps with emergency assistance and basic needs like food, shelter, and medical services for victims and allows FCAHT to continue increasing awareness through public education on the subject of human trafficking.

I am organizing Run As One for FCAHT and actively participating too! If you want to join our group of runners supporting FCAHT for an informal 5K run on Sunday morning at 9:00 am, meet us at Fort Myers Beach, FL. Email at shellie@advancingnonprofits.com if you have any questions. Remember, you can run anywhere in the world and be a part of this event, simply make your donation on behalf of Florida Coalition Against Human Trafficking and start training. You can also simply support the FCAHT runners by making a donation on their behalf! Make donations by using the widget on this page or check out the FCAHT Firstgiving page. Learn more about World Run Day at www.runday.com.

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